Friday 22 January 2010

Resilience and Determination
This Monday was a rather interesting day, I was taught a great lesson during CDE-TTT sessions, a truly inspirational one.
It was about resilience and we were to write about our strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, we also shared solutions on how to overcome the peoples’ weaknesses. But overall, I think the highlight of the session was the time when we watch an inspirational video about Nick Vujicic.

He was a man with no arms and legs and was once helpless, broken and alone. However, he determined to live a vibrant and meaningful life. Despite the fact that he has no limbs, he still does lots of different activities, probably more than I do. Nick said that sometimes in life when people fell down, they might felt impotent and kind of give up but it shouldn’t be so. People should persevere until the very end. It matters how we are going to finish.

I was totally touched, life is like a box of chocolate, we never know what we’re going to get. Unfortunate things do happen, but I think one should determine to overcome the challenges they face instead of just easily giving up.

After this lesson, I reflected upon myself and my weaknesses. I often grumble on minute trifles and was too pessimistic. I think I should not behave like that anymore as compared to Nick, my difficulties are nowhere as difficult as his.

Monday was really an intriguing day and I look forward to have more of these meaningful lessons.

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.”

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